Sunday, January 25, 2009

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's Malibu mansion up for sale

Last year, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie bought a manor in France. Now they're selling their Malibu for sale. The family has been travelling and staying in different places.
Could it be that they prefer to live abroad when they're not making films?

Here is the news from MSNBC.

At Newsweek’s Oscar roundtable Brad Pitt mentioned that he and Angelina Jolie are putting their Malibu house up for sale. (Robert Downey Jr., citing his “pretty good year,” seemed interested in buying it.)

The bigger story: The Jolie-Pitts might not just be decamping from Hollywood, but they might go abroad to get away from the publicity machine.

“The publicity machine is out of control. It's everything we didn't sign up for,” Pitt told Newsweek. “There's this whole other entity that you get sucked into. You have to go and sell your wares. It's something I never made my peace with. Somehow you're not supporting your film if you don't get on a show and talk about your personal life.

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